Induction Classes is a one-stop solution for all who are looking to do preparation for IIT-JEE & NEET. Look no further other than Induction Classes, as our mentors are experienced in providing the best percentage of results since 2009.
At Induction Classes, our belief is to provide education to everyone who wants to become an IITian or Doctor. Our commitment is to provide live online experience with smooth two-way communication so that you experience your studies in the best possible way.
Back in 2010, our founder, Er. Shishir Kumar started this journey with his small team to help out those students from lower middle-class families who can’t afford quality education to crack India’s toughest exams, like IIT-JEE & NEET, because of financial problems.
Since Shishir Sir himself comes from a lower middle-class background, that’s why he understands the importance of education and also how much it is tougher to afford such education.
Starting from a small room, Induction Classes have helped almost 10000+ students to afford quality education for the preparation of foundation, IIT-JEE, and NEET.
At Induction Classes, our vision is to provide online as well as offline interactive premium sessions for preparation for IIT-JEE & NEET.
Induction Classes want to ensure that everyone can afford education for preparation for the IIT-JEE & NEET at a minimal cost.
Learn with highly experienced tutors who have past experience in renowned coaching institutes like BYJUS Aakash, Resonance, Motion, etc.
Looking at the tough competition, we always come up with updated courses, whatever is best for cracking IIT-JEE & NEET, best on the latest syllabus.
Get the interactive premium session for preparation of IIT-JEE & NEET at your own comfort. Enjoy it from your own home's study table or study room.
Check your learning and knowledge by participating in weekly test sessions from home. Overcome the fear of cracking exams just by participating and assessing your current knowledge.
Induction Classes’ goal is not only to provide quality education and a premium & interactive learning experience at a very minimal fee but also to make your learning easier and more enjoyable at the same time. Let’s see how we’re providing the best experience for IIT-JEE & NEET.
Contact us if you’ve any queries related to our online as well as offline courses.
+91-82921 79520
Induction Classes will be happy to help you and hear from you
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